Vanilla Reindeer

Something completely different yet interesting. It doesn’t have much to do with Fan Films, but always happy to support a unique venture.

Fictional Holidays Content

When we watch our favorite movies and TV shows we become gripped by the storylines and connected with the characters. Such relationships can be strange however when you think about the key differences between fictional settings and our real world. We don’t have superhero powers and we can’t possibly imagine life beyond Earth, yet these popular shows and movies resonate with us on a deeper level. One thing that helps create those connections is strong similarities with our own lives. The Simpsons living room looks like our own home and just like us, many fictional worlds have national holidays and events. Vanilla Reindeer decided to take a look at some of the fictional holidays and they created these cool greetings cards to show how they might be celebrated.

Whacking Day – The Simpsons

Whacking Day is an annual event whereby townspeople herd snakes into the center of town before beating them with sticks while chanting the disturbing anthem that details what they are doing. This featured in the 4th season of The Simpsons but in the episode, Lisa did try to put a stop to the occasion.

Life Day – Star Wars

Hosted around the Tree of Life on Kashyyyk, Life Day is an annual get together where Wookiees celebrate their culture. Gifts are exchanged, families enjoy dinner together and there are songs. This family holiday holds somewhat of a resemblance to our Christmas Day.

House Cup – Harry Potter

Not a holiday as such but each year Hogwarts announces the winners of the House Cup, a trophy for the best-behaved house at the school. Each house can earn points by doing good work but equally, points can be lost, this event is all about teamwork.

Festival of the Mother – Game of Thrones

The Festival of the Mother is a religious event dedicated to the Mother who symbolizes peace, fertility, and childbirth. We imagine it resembles a version of our holiday Mother’s Day.

First Contact Day – Star Trek

On the 5th April 2063 in Bozeman, Montana, humans, and Vulcans are set to meet for the first time. This day will be honored henceforth with the holiday First Contact Day.

Coupon Day – Jurassic Park

Coupon Day isn’t a holiday as such but the owner of the park discussed making this event to ensure Jurassic Park was accessible for all classes.


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