Fan Film Podcast Episode 70

I was perusing through the website Craig’s List one fine evening and found a posting under “gigs” I was most interested in. A short science fiction film by the name of VOX was being produced locally by a group of RIT film students. Thinking this would be a fine opportunity to take a peek at what happens in the making of these short films Fanboy Will and I cover on our Podcast I thought it prudent to heed the call of actors wanted. A day or so (it may of been a week) after my audition I was surprised to of gotten a call from the VOX crew with an offer for a part in their film. I was giddy with teenage excitement.

Michael Fox is the mastermind behind VOX which I learned in this interview is technically a fan film loosely based on the role playing game Warhammer. What the Fox Man and crew were able to do on their meager budget is nothing, but inspiring. And what professionals! We shot for two days in ten degree (or below) weather. Fox and team not only knew what shots they wanted, but also knew how to keep their talent fat, almost warm, and happy.

So put on your 70-year-old World War II jumpsuit, grab your Nerf gun and get ready for this episode of the Fan Film Podcast.


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